Technical Data

The Perfect Oilless SGO

Conversion table of Units

Indication Conversion
Length 1mm = 0.03937 inch 1inch = 25.4mm
Mass 1kg = 2.2046lb 1lb= 0.4536kg
Force 1N = 1.0197 X 10-1kgf 1Kgf = 9.8N
1N = 0.2248lbf 1lbf = 4.448N
Pressure 1N/㎟ = 1Mpa = 1.0197 X 10kgf/㎠ = 10bar
1kgf/㎠ = 9.8 X 10-2N/㎟
1N/㎟ = 145psi
Velocity 1m/sec = 60m/min 1m/sec = 196.85f/min
1m/sec = 60m/min 1f/min = 0.00508/sec
Revolution per Minute 1S-1 = 60RPM 1RPM = 0.01667S-1
Frequency 1S-1 = 60CPM 1CPM = 0.01667S-1
Angle 1rad = 180°/π 1 ̊ = π/180 rad
Temperature ℉ = 9/5℃ + 32 ℃=5/9(℉-32)

International Systems of Unit: They are consistent unit that are used and recommended by the General Conference of Weights and Measures.